Scanguard is known as a security solution that is distinguished for its user-friendliness and eye-catching graphics. Its intuitive UI makes it easy to install and set-up. Upon completing a brilliant scan, it requires between 3 to 5 minutes with regards to the software to name malware and other harmful files that are taking on space on your device. The technology has a blank disc cleaner feature in order to in determine duplicates and freeing up disc space.

It also offers a internet browser manager, which usually helps in improving upon productivity by simply removing address annoying monitoring cookies. The software program also has ransomware protection that halts access to your system until a ransom is certainly paid. Various other useful features include a personal privacy advisor, which in turn lets you keep an eye on how your own personal information is needed on the internet and a password burial container that helps in storing important accounts in a safeguarded location.

In spite of being packed with a lot of features, the software has some faults. For instance, the Windows app isn’t as stable and kept uninstalling during my testing. Alternatively, the mobile phone apps are a breeze to use and are highly efficient.

The software incorporates a good support system which can be found around the clock via live chat, email and cellphone. A Common questions section is additionally available that has its own beneficial training. I found the chat feature to be beneficial and it was a little while until a matter of seconds before I used to be connected with a great engineer who helped me eliminate my concern.